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Ransomware Protection Services

Keep your business data safe from ransomware attacks


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Does your business have these worries about ransomware?

We understand the importance of keeping your data safe

Ransomware attacks are a growing threat that can strike any business, large or small. Once your data is locked up, your operations stall and your revenue grinds to a halt. Therefore, you must take proactive steps to defend against this dangerous malware. Consider our Ransomware Protection Services.

Why work with SMS Datacenter?

What is included in Ransomware Protection Services?

At SMS Datacenter, we offer a comprehensive suite of services that can shield your business from a variety of ransomware attacks. Our services include:

Endpoint Protection

Protect devices such as desktops, laptops, and servers from attacks

Essential Antivirus Scans

Scan and remove viruses, malware, trojans, adware, and more from devices

AI-Driven Malware Protection

Use the power of AI to prevent, detect, and protect against malware strains

Email Filtering

Secure your email systems by filtering spam, impostor emails, phishing, and malware


Block or allow certain types of network traffic based on your security policies

DNS Filtering

Block access to unsafe, bandwidth hogging, and time wasting websites


Analyze network traffic regularly to prevent and detect cyberattacks

Log Management/SIEM

Capture and analyze event logs from operating systems, apps, databases, IDS/IPS, and network devices

Pen Testing & Vulnerability Scanning

Find and fix security vulnerabilities in your business network

Backup & Disaster Recovery

Prevent business data loss with regular backups


Protect sensitive data on devices and in email communications

Multi-Factor Authentication

Add an extra layer of protection to online accounts with single-use passwords, biometrics, and key fobs

Security Awareness Training

Train your employees to be your first line of defense against cyberattacks


Mitigate downtime by monitoring your network 24x7x365

Service Desk

Our team is available 24/7 for responding to requests and issues

What are the benefits of Ransomware Protection?

How Can You Get Pricing for Ransomware Protection Services?

Step 1

Contact SMS by calling 949-223-9240, emailing [email protected], or filling out our online form.

Step 2

Tell us about your ransomware protection service requirements.

Step 3

We will send you a customized quote.